The MacArthur Foundation has appointed the Arewa Research & Development Project (ARDP) as one of its Grantees as part of its “Bet …

In other to tap the potential for growth through the agricultural value chains, five northeastern state governments have adopted an agribusiness innovative …


We seek to fill the intellectual vacuum in Northern Nigeria for the required strategic thinking, conceive and nurture its political, economic and social transformation Read More


The Northern States of Nigeria have had the worst development indices in the country for the most of the last three decades. The last two decades of democratic governance have not Read More


The ARDP has forged a working relationship with the seven States of the Northwest in areas of their comparative and competitive advantage Read More

Trusted by our patners.

To unlock the huge potentials of the Northern States of Nigeria, especially in agriculture, water and mineral resources, to create jobs and prosperity, ensure peace, security and social harmony …